This book is about family, friendship, love and never giving up hope. The main character is a boy called Sam (little c Big C) McCann. Sam is a foster child who has been passed around foster homes like a football and he is fed up. The only thing that Sam wants more than anything else is to find his perfect parents. Every day he makes lists about what his perfect parents must have such as a garage with a basketball hoop, a holiday to Disneyland, no gerbils and a BMW M5. Sam and his best friend Leah decide to take matters into their own hands and they start “The Perfect Parent Project” where Sam hopes that he can find a home instead of a house (because a house and a home are not the same thing). Sam keeps the project a secret and doesn’t tell anyone including his foster parents, Sarah and Tom, and his foster brother Reilly. He loves Reilly and helps him with everything he does, including playing his favourite videogame Ace Pilot. Sam’s dream is to go to Disneyland with his perfect family but his world comes crashing down when he is playing hide and seek one day with Reilly. Now, more than ever, he needs his Parent Project to work.
Does his project go well?
Is he moved before he finds his perfect parents?
What happens to his relationship with Reilly?
Read the book to find out!
We recommend this book to 9+ and you must remember to have some tissues ready as you will probably cry (or your mum and dad might!). We give this book 5 * and really enjoyed it.
Thank you Stewart Foster for sending us a proof copy.
Unfortunately the rest of you have to wait until January for this book to be released but it will be worth the wait! In the meantime, you can read his other books.
Here are our reviews for Bubble Boy and All the Things that could go wrong:

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