Athan is a young boy that works for an old engineer called Mr Chen. They are making a flying machine on one of the days that the story is set. Athan goes home after a lot of hard work and then something CATASPHROPHIC happens… Mr Chen is murdered!
Athan then decides to team up with Tod, his best friend, to build the flying machine; they just need to get the equipment for it before it’s sold at an auction. They also have to do it without anyone knowing, otherwise the people who killed Mr Chen, will kill them!
Their suspicions arise regarding who Mr Chen’s murderer is when Athan’s mum finds a rich boyfriend who is also a colonel.
Athan is doing this for his family as they are poor and if Athan builds it before anyone else, he gets 10,000 guineas.
Are Athan and Tod murdered?
Do they finish the flying machine and does it actually fly?
We recommend this book to 8+ detective fans!
We give this book 5*****.
If you like this book, check out some of the other Fleur Hitchcock books that we have reviewed!
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