This story is about friendship and is very emotional. A boy called Will has lost his dad and is moving to Devon to live with his mum and his grandparents who live on a farm with a lot of animals. Then for Christmas Mum and Will want a break so they go on holiday to Indonesia (where Mum comes from).
During the holiday, Will goes on an elephant ride. All of a sudden a tsunami hits the beach where Mum is swimming and the elephant runs off into the jungle with Will on her back. Now Will knows that his mum is dead. The elephant is called Oona and she becomes Will’s best friend.
On their travels through the jungle, they find some orang-utans, they get in trouble with Mr Anthony (a baddie) and they meet a nice lady called Dr Geraldine. The story ends with Will making the biggest choice of his life!
I thought this book was very sad and I recommend it to 9+. Make sure you have a box of tissues ready!
I give it 10/10 although it is a real heartbreaker!

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