Title: My Friend's a Griswok Author: Majorie Blackman The book is about two boys that are friends called Mike and Alex. They are looking after Polly who is Alex’s sister. Alex’s family are Griswoks (they can change into animals). Mike doesn’t know their secret!!!! They try to find Polly but she gets up to mischief!!! My favourite part is when she turns into an elephant!!! I like the jokes at the front too. I give ...
Title: Hubble Bubble, Granny Trouble Author: Tracey Corderoy Genre: Grandmothers Release Date: 2011 Pages: 25 The book is about a granny that is a witch. She’s not like your granny! She does funny things like making tadpoles in tea and used magic to make the teacher stand in his pants (everyone laughed). I liked this book because you can listen to it using the QR code and the pictures are colourful. I give this book 100 stars!...
Title: Little Manfred Author: Michael Morpurgo One day in 1966, after England versus Germany in the football world cup final, a boy and girl went to the beach to play ball with their dog. When they were there they met a German man called Walter and another called Marty who told the children all about the war and the wooden dog they gave to Grace (the children’s mother) when they left to return to Germany. The children find out that ...
Title: Animation Studio Author: Helen Piercy This is a really cool set. We really enjoyed it and it was lots of fun! First we made up the story, then we got the scenes ready and then our adult helper started to take the photos while we slowly moved the characters. When we had the photos, we used some animation software, which you can download from the Internet and our adult helper put it all together for us. We then recorded our voices ...
Title: Fangs Vampire Spy – Operation: Golden Bum Author: Tommy Donbavand Genre: Children's stories Release Date: 2013 Pages: 140 The story is about a Vampire Spy who has to find out who is responsible for some robberies. They travel over 5 countries with the help of their colleagues and gadgets. Do you think he survives? Well you will find out in the book!!! I liked this book and my favourite character was Hip Hop (one of the bad...
Title: The Fabulous Four Fish Fingers Author: Jason Beresford The book is about 4 children who go on an adventure to save Tumchester from Jumper Jack Flash (a pirate rabbit) and The Panteater (an anteater that would eat your pants if he could!). It all started when 2 boys (Morris and Gary) were pretending to fight Zombies (stinging nettles) using sticks. Gary got stung! Then two girls came along called Ruby and Bel and one of them had a...
Title: Fortunately the Milk Author: Neil Gaiman Genre: Childrens Publisher: Bloomsbury Childrens Pages: 160 The book is about a family and the mum goes away for work for a few days and the dad has to look after the children. When the mum had gone, dad asked the children why they weren’t eating their breakfast. The children replied, “No milk,” so dad went to the corner shop and bought some. The children got fed up waiting so they d...
Title: Time Hunters - Gladiator Clash Author: Chris Blake This is an adventure book set mostly in Rome about an Egyptian girl called Isis, her cat Cleo and an ordinary boy called Tom. It all started when Isis wanted to get into the Afterlife but hid an amulet from Anubis (the God of the Underworld) so Anubis gave her a punishment and she had to find all 6 amulets. In this book, Tom helps her find the first amulet and ends up fighting un...
Title: Maisie Hitchins - The Story of the stolen sixpence Author: Holly Webb Maisie wants to be a detective like Gilbert Carrington. Maisie lives with her grandma in a lodging house that her grandma owns. Maisie finds and rescues a dog called Eddie and he helps her on her missions. One of her missions is when someone steals money from the butcher’s shop and her friend the butcher boy gets the blame and then loses his job. Maisie knows...
Title: Minnie Winnie Author: Laura Owen & Korky Paul There are 4 stories in this book. My favourite is Winnie’s Awful Auntie. I love it because Winnie turns into a baby as the spell does not work. I love the Ghost in the Post because the Ghost writes a poem and things go wrong! The pictures are fantastic. I give it 100 stars!...